Steve Edward Farley

Steve Edward Farley picture with a transparent background.


Picture of the continent trilogy.

Get the Fallen Continent Trilogy

Ann's Tale

Detective Phil George

Age of Queens

Falling Beneath the Magnolia

Greater Good

Age of Peace

Kickin Gracie

Hurley Island

About The Author

Steve Edward Farley is an independent author with over ten years of writing and publishing experience. His passion is writing fiction. He loves allowing his mind to create worlds similar to the one we live in. Steve’s novels are full of family values, action, romance and adventure. Steve blends multiple perspectives into his narratives, preferring to not rely on a single point of view.

Steve lives with his two pets, an orange cat and an English Mastiff. In his personal life he is a local community leader and activist. One thing he has learned since becoming a public figure, “I will never please everyone. But that is okay because I write to entertain myself, therefore I am happy to share a passion with those interested.” He also has hosted several free workshops for aspiring writers. He teaches others how to write their first novels.

Contact Steve

Steve Edward Farley and his beautiful big dog.

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